
Labels: :IA_Function:IA_MapView
Inherits from: Function and View

The MapView Function renders a Map with locations.

Function parameters

Key Description Default value Possible values Latitudes of all markers Array of numbers
markers.long Longitudes of all markers Array of numbers
markers.title Titles of all markers Array of strings Popup content of all markers Array of strings
markers.icon Icons of all markers Array of strings
markers.spiderfiableIcon Icons of all markers when spiderfiableble Array of strings
markers.unspiderfiableIcon Icons of all markers when unspiderfiable Defaults to markers.icon Array of strings
markers.spiderfiedIcon Icons of all markers when spiderfied Defaults to markers.icon Array of strings
markers.{...} Custom properties of all markers Array

Outgoing triggers

Type: markerClick

Occurrence: When the user clicks a marker.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
marker The clicked marker. Object with properties stored in the marker

Type: markerRightClick

Occurrence: When the user right-clicks a marker.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
marker The right-clicked marker. Object with properties stored in the marker

Type: markerTitleClick

Occurrence: When the user clicks the title of a marker.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
marker The marker of the clicked title. Object with properties stored in the marker