
Common features shared by all Functions. More info.


Key Description Default value Possible values
name Name of the Function undefined string
stayAlive Prevent the Function from being destroyed after execution. none
  • none: destroy after execution
  • dashboard: stay alive until dashboard switch
  • session: stay alive until page refresh.
kill If set to true, closes an open Function. undefined true/1
_instance Specifies an existing instance that should be updated. If the instance does not exist, it will be created. More info: Updating Functions _new
_path Value that will persist through following Triggers. More info Incoming $_path value. object
#_update Changes values in lists. Possible keys: add, remove, set, change. See explanation below.

Update parameters

The #_update parameter allows updating of parameters that are lists in the Function. These are the options.

Key Description
#_update.add Adds values to lists.
#_update.remove Removes values from lists.
#_update.set Adds or updates values in lists.
#_update.change Changes properties of objects in lists.

Each of the update operators (add, remove, set and change) take an object of lists, with parameter names as keys and a list of items to add/remove/update/change as values. E.g.: #_update.remove.myList: [{id:15},{id:20},{id:110}] removes the items with id 15, 20 and 110 from the list stored in the parameter myList. More info.

Outgoing Triggers

Event structure

Every outgoing Trigger from any Function contains a base set of properties. Specific Functions may add properties to this event, often depending on the event type. The base properties are listed below:

Key Description Possible values
type Trigger event type. Any of the Function's Trigger event types
_function Accessible internal data of the origin Function. Object with all parameters and their values. (example) One of the Function parameters. The value of the parameter.
_path If not specifically altered, this will be passed on from Function to Function Object with custom properties and values.

Type: functionExecuted

Fires when the Function has completed its execution actions.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
data Parameter values with which the Function was executed. object

Type: error

Fires when the Function encounters an error.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
error Error object containing error information object

Welcome Functions

Any :IA_Function node with an added :IA_Welcome label, and public property set to true, will be executed when the login screen is shown (before the user has logged in).

Triggers will be executed as usual, but if their target Functions also have a public property set to true.

Be careful not to set any sensitive Functions as Welcome Functions, since they can and will be executed without authentication.