
Labels: :IA_Function:IA_SearchView
Inherits from: Function and View

Displays a form in which users can enter and setup searches.


Key Description Default value Possible values
executeOnEnter Enter executes the search (or creates a new line in the edit box) true true|false 0|1
hideOutputs Prevents display of type of output selector false true|false 0|1
hideStores Prevents display of store selector false true|false 0|1
hideExecuteButton Hides the execute button. The search will be triggered by pressing Enter false true|false 0|1
query Searched string or Neo4j cypher query
queryTitle Title of the search window
queryMinHeight Minimum height of the edit box string (e.g. '100px')
queryMaxHeight Maximum height of the edit box '300px' string (e.g. '300px')
output Default output trigger Label of an outgoing execute type trigger
store Store name to execute the search against configured store name
storeType Type of the store neo4j

Output triggers

Type: execute

Occurence: Fires when user executes the search (Enter or click on Execute button)

Required trigger properties

Key Description Possible values
output Label displayed in the output selector string
$trigger.index Order in the output selector Positive integer

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
data.query Query entered by the user string Store selected to execute the search on string
output Selected output trigger string


		type: 'execute',
		output: 'Network'
		data: {
			query: 'MATCH (n:InterActor) RETURN n',
			store: 'application',

Setup examples

execute trigger from IA_SearchView to IA_Neo4jQuery:

		type:    execute
		$cypher: (%).data.query
		$store:  (%)
		$output: Network
		$trigger.index: 1

execute trigger from IA_SearchView to IA_Neo4jQuery:

		type:    execute
		$cypher: (%).data.query
		$store:  (%)
		output:  Table
		$trigger.index: 2

Setting both triggers will display an output selector in the search dialog with two options Network and Table.