
Labels: :IA_Function:IA_GridView
Inherits from: Function and View

The GridView Function renders data in a grid format.

Function parameters

Key Description Default value Possible values
data An array of records to display
columns Column settings Column definitions, with grid-specific additions (below):
columns.{col_identifier}.{...} Standard column definition properties (index, label, values).
columns.{col_identifier}.data Data for the column if the column does not take data from #data parameter
columns.{col_identifier}.hidden Column is hidden false
columns.{col_identifier}.type Type of data in the column number|string|date|float|int|bool
columns.{col_identifier}.template Mustache template to render cells content with (the template will receive cell and row variables with according data) string
columns.{col_identifier}.cellClassNameColumn The name of the column that will contain the css classes for each cell in the column. string
options General grid options. This parameter is used to set initialization properties for the jqWidgets Grid. The documentation for them can be found here.
autoColumns If true, automatically creates column definitions from the data. false true/false
row.rowClassNameColumn Specifies a column in the data that defines the css class for each row. string

Outgoing triggers

Type: rowClick

Occurrence: triggered when a user clicks on a row in the grid.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
data All data in the clicked row object
keyPressed Map of keys that are pressed during the click. object
keyPressed.ctrl Control button pressed during click. true|false
keyPressed.shift Shift button pressed during click. true|false
keyPressed.meta Meta button (Apple Command or Windows button) pressed during click true|false

Type: rowDoubleClick

Occurrence: triggered when a user double-clicks on a row in the grid.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
data All data in the clicked row object
keyPressed Map of keys that are pressed during the click. object
keyPressed.ctrl Control button pressed during click. true|false
keyPressed.shift Shift button pressed during click. true|false
keyPressed.meta Meta button (Apple Command or Windows button) pressed during click true|false

Type: cellClick

Occurrence: triggered when a user clicks on a cell in the grid.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
data The value in the clicked cell any
row All data in the clicked row object
column The name of the column of the clicked cell. string
keyPressed Map of keys that are pressed during the click. object
keyPressed.ctrl Control button pressed during click. true|false
keyPressed.shift Shift button pressed during click. true|false
keyPressed.meta Meta button (Apple Command or Windows button) pressed during click true|false

Type: context

The following context menus are available from the GridView:

Menu Occurs when Target value
row User right-clicks a row Right-clicked row data.

More info on context menus.