
Labels: :IA_Function:IA_NodeFormView
Inherits from: Function and View

Used to edit properties for new or existing node.


Key Description Default value Possible values
id Id of edited node Positive integer
store Store in which the node is/will be stored name of configured Neo4j store
storeTypes Type of store that can be selected to store the node. All store types
storeOptions Comma-separated store names that can be selected. All stores from given storeTypes
preset Predefined node properties, labels and metadata Node structure
style Styling options object
style.keyFieldWidth The width of the key fields. CSS width specification (e.g. 30%, 200px, etc)

Outgoing triggers:

Type: created

Occurrence: when the node is created.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
node Created node data node object

Type: updated

Occurrence: when the node is updated.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
node Updated node data node object