Geo-spatial index


Using this API one can index a collection of geoJSON features (usually geographic areas) then subsequently, very quickly, query for one (or multiple) point(s) what polygons contain that point.

This API uses FeatureCollection, Point, LineString, Polygon and MultiPolygon GeoJSON structures

Index Name

Index name (indexName) gets used by most of the endpoints. It is a string that identifies the index. If not provided, the default index name is default.


Add features

Description: adds geographic features to the index

URL: /api/spatial-index/add-features

Method: POST


Key Description Type Possible values
indexName Name of the index string default
type Type of GeoJSON data structure string FeatureCollection
features List of GeoJSON features. Only Point, LineString, Polygon and MultiPolygon structures are indexed. array
<feature>.id or <feature> Unique key to identify a specific feature in the index. This key will pe returned by query endpoints string / number

Response: true (success) when index was updated successfully

Remove features

Description: removes geographic features from the index

URL: /api/spatial-index/remove-features

Method: POST


Key Description Type Possible values
indexName Name of the index string default
featureIds GeoJSON Feature item IDs [string | number]

Response: true (success) when index was updated successfully


Description: removes the index from the memory

URL: /api/spatial-index/unload

Method: POST

Parameters: Unloads each spatial index from memory given array of indexName If no indexName is given, unloads all spatial indexes


Description: empties the index (removes all indexed polygons)

URL: /api/spatial-index/clear

Method: DELETE


Key Description Type Possible values
indexName Name of the index string default

Response: true (success) when index was updated successfully

Query points

Description: given an array of geographic points returns, for each point, the list of ids of the geographic polygons that contain the given point

URL: /api/spatial-index/query-points

Method: POST


Key Description Type Possible values
points Array of geographical positions (points) array
<point>.latitude Position of the point on the y axis float
<point>.longitude Position of the point on the x axis float

Response: for each point an array of Feature ids (already added to the index) that contain (intersect) with the point. (array of array of polygon ids)


Description: given a polygon returns the list of ids of the geographic polygons that intersect with the given polygon

URL: /api/spatial-index/query-polygon

Method: POST


Key Description Type Possible values
indexName Name of the index string default
type GeoJSON Feature string Feature
geomety GeoJSON Polygon object