
Label: :IA_Function
Property: type: LeafletMapView
Inherits from: Function and View

The LeafletMapView Function, based on the Leaflet library, is a map component capable of displaying multiple layers, markers, geoJSON and much more.

Function parameters

Key Description Default value Possible values
$autoFit Zoom and center on markers or GeoJSON features true Boolean
$ Geographic latitude of the point which should be in the center of the map 0 Real number
$center.long Geographic longitude of the point which should be in the center of the map 0 Real number
$controls.drawing Options for the leaflet-draw plugin Object
$controls.measure Options for the leaflet-measure plugin Object
$geoJSON GeoJson data structure to be shown on the map Object
$geoJSONStyle GeoJSON default styling. This is the base styling applied to all GeoJSON features. It can be customized by the style property of a feature. Object or function
$geoJSONSelectedStyle GeoJSON styling for selected features. This is the base styling applied by default to the selected GeoJSON features. It can be customized by the selectedStyle property of a feature. Object or function
$layers Collection of tile layers (or WMS tile layers) to be displayed on the map. Each layer declaration should be indexed by a unique key/name (so this parameter is an object). {OpenStreetMap: {...}} Collection of layer object
$layerControl Definition of the layer control used to enable and disable visible layers object
$markerCluster Configuration for the Leaflet.markercluster plugin object
$markerCluster.enabled Enabled the marker cluster functionality false boolean
$markerCluster.options Options for the marker cluster functionality object
#markers Collection of markers to be displayed on the map Array of objects
$ HTML content to be displayed on a popup when the marker is clicked on Valid HTML string
$options Map initialization options object
$projections Custom map projection declarations. Declarations should be indexed by a unique key/name. The projections will be created using the Proj4Leaflet plugin. The projection key/name can be referenced in the map options or in tile layer options. Object
$projections.projection Projection string. Most projections can be found at Use the export to Proj4js functionality. Valid projection string
$projections.options Projection options (like resolutions or origin) object
#state.selected.markers Collection of makers that are/should be selected array of existing makers
#state.selected.features Collection of geoJSON features that are/should be selected array of existing geoJSON features
$zoom Zoom-in level on the map (the bigger the number the closer to the ground). $autoFit: true with markers or geoJSON on the map will override this value. Real number

Outgoing triggers

Type: mapClick

Occurrence: When the user clicks on map.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
location Clicked Latitude and Longtitude Object with lat and lng value
x Clicked Screen X position Number
y Clicked Screen Y position Number
features Array of features that intersect with the clicked position Array of features

Type: markerClick

Occurrence: When the user clicks a marker.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
marker The clicked marker. Object with properties stored in the marker

Type: markerRightClick

Occurrence: When the user right-clicks a marker.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
marker The right-clicked marker. Object with properties stored in the marker

Type: featureClick

Occurrence: When the user clicks a feature from geoJSON.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
feature The clicked feature. Object with properties stored in the feature

Type: mapRightClick

Occurrence: When the user right clicks on map.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
location Clicked Latitude and Longtitude Object with lat and lng value
x Clicked Screen X position Number
y Clicked Screen Y position Number

Type: boundsChanged

Occurrence: When the user clicks a feature from geoJSON.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
bounds Bounds data of visible map Object with properties of bound {east: float, north: float, south: float, west: float}
center Center of visible map Object with lat and long value
zoom Current zoom value of map Real number

Type: envelope

Occurrence: When the user selects a section of the map by holding SHIFT.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
east Longitude of the right side of the drawn rectangle Real number
north Latitude of the top side of the drawn rectangle Real number
south Latitude of the bottom side of the drawn rectangle Real number
west Longitude of the left side of the drawn rectangle Real number

Type: drawing

Occurrence: When the user draws with the drawing tool.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
tool Drawing tool used to create the feature circle / marker / polygon / polyline / rectangle
geoJSON geoJSON representation of the drawing Object

Type: measure

Occurrence: When the user uses the measuring tool, creates a measurement and clicks "Finish measurement".

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
area Measured surface area in square meters Number
areaDisplay Measured surface area for display purposes String
lastCoord.dd Geographic position of the last point in the measurement Object
lastCoord.dms Geographic position of the last point in the measurement for display purposes Object
length Length in meters of the measured section (perimeter) Number
lengthDisplay Length of the measured section (perimeter) for display purposes String
pointCount Number of points of the measured polygon/polyline Number
points Geographic coordinates of the polygon/polyline measured Array of points

Type: selectionChanged

Occurrence: When the user selects of deselects a marker or a geoJSON feature.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
markers Collection of currently selected makers Array
geoJSONFeatures Collection of currently selected geoJSON features Array

Examples of setting properties


	'OpenStreetMap': {
		type: 'tileLayer',
		active: true,
		url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 
		maxZoom: 19,
		attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>'

	'OpenStreetMap.HOT': {
		type: 'tileLayer',
		url: 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
		maxZoom: 19,
		attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, Tiles style by <a href="" target="_blank">Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team</a> hosted by <a href="" target="_blank">OpenStreetMap France</a>'

	'Aerial photos': {
		type: 'tileLayer',
		url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.jpeg',
		useCache: true,

	'Topological': {
		type: 'tileLayer',
		url: '{z}&TileCol={x}&TileRow={y}',
		useCache: true,


	baselayers: {
		'OpenStreetMap': 'OpenStreetMap',
		'OpenStreetMap HOT': 'OpenStreetMap.HOT'

	overlays: {
		'Aerial photos': 'Aerial photos',
		'Topological map': 'Topological',


	'ESPG28992': {
		projection: "+proj=sterea +lat_0=52.1561605555556 +lon_0=5.38763888888889 +k=0.9999079 +x_0=155000 +y_0=463000 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=565.4171,50.3319,465.5524,1.9342,-1.6677,9.1019,4.0725 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs",
		options: {
			resolutions: [
			origin: [-3.05155E7, 3.1112399999999993E7]