
This page describes how to install our InterActor Community Edition. Although we've done our best to provide a good instruction to get you started, there may always be things we have not covered and which need additional explanation. The best place to look for answers to your questions is our InterActor-users team on Slack. Feel free to send a message to so we can send you an invite.

The use of InterActor Community Edition is subject to the InterActor Community Edition End User License Agreement.

Download InterActor Docker image

InterActor can be downloaded as a Docker image. This requires Docker to run. If you do not have Docker installed, please follow the instuctions on the Docker website to install it.

You can download and install InterActor in two ways: direct download or from the Docker Hub.

Direct Download

You can get the latest InterActor Docker image by clicking the link below:

InterActor Community Image (tar.gz, 130.4 MB)

Then, in your terminal, navigate to your download directory and type

docker load < interactor-community-image-latest.tar.gz

Docker Hub

You can also get the latest version from Docker Hub, by typing

docker pull graphileon/interactor-community

Run InterActor image

You can run the InterActor image using the following command, which will also create a volume "interactor" where persistent data (the config, and files you upload to InterActor) will be stored.

$ docker run -t -d -p 8000:80 --name interactor -v interactor:/persistent/ graphileon/interactor-community

Now Docker should return InterActor in its list of running images.

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                             COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                           NAMES
778a9a7f373f        graphileon/interactor-community   "/bin/sh -c 'HOST=$(n"   16 seconds ago      Up 15 seconds       443/tcp,>80/tcp   interactor

To restart the InterActor docker container, run the command:

$ docker restart interactor

Start InterActor

The url that InterActor can be accessed at consists of an address and a port. If you used the docker run command from this documentation, the port is 8000. Depending on your Docker installation, this IP address can be different.

  • Docker Native: http://localhost:8000
  • Docker Toolbox: Docker Toolbox has its own IP address, which you can find from your Docker Terminal using the command
$ docker-machine ip default

For example, if the above command outputs, the address that you will find InterActor is

InterActor Settings

When you run InterActor for the first time, you'll be redirected to the InterActor Settings page, where you'll be prompted to enter user credentials that you want to use to access InterActor, as well as the connection settings of your Neo4j instance.

If you don't have a Neo4j instance yet, you can download Neo4j from the Neo4j website, or use a cloud service like GrapheneDB or GraphStory.

If you have your Neo4j instance ready, you can provide its information in the application store settings. Note that if you're running Neo4j on your local machine, the IP address you should provide for the Neo4j store may be different than usual (see Using a local Neo4j instance below).

Since we will be adding new nodes and relationships to your graph store, we strongly suggest to make a backup of your Neo4j graph database at this moment.

With the Enterprise Edition, you can store InterActor Functions in a separate graph store from your data. This feature is not available in the Community Edition.

After clicking "Apply Settings", InterActor will do a one-time installation, creating nodes and relationships in your Neo4j instance. These nodes will have labels starting with IA_, which allows you to recognize them easily.

Confirm all settings and click 'Apply Settings' to start the installation.

Let's InterAct!

If everything went well, you should see the login dialog. You can now log in with the username and password you provided in the settings.

InterActor sends a single anonymized 'call home' message to Graphileon for statistics.

Using a local Neo4j instance

In order to use InterActor with a local Neo4j instance, you will need to configure Neo4j and find the IP address that, within the Docker container, refers to your local machine.

Local machine IP address

If your Neo4j instance runs on the same machine as your Docker instance, the ip address you need enter as Neo4j host may differ from machine to machine. Below are the default IP addresses for the most common operation systems and Docker versions:

Configuration IP Address How to find it
Linux/MacOS & Docker Native Run docker inspect <container_id>, and find "Gateway" under "NetworkSettings" > "Networks" > "bridge" in the output.
Windows & Docker Native In PowerShell (or Command Prompt), run ipconfig and look for "Ethernet adapter vEthernet (DockerNAT)".
MacOS & Docker Toolbox This is the IP address VirtualBox uses to address the host machine from a virtual machine.

Neo4j Configuration

By default, Neo4j only listens to localhost. Although InterActor also runs on your machine, it runs within a Docker container, which is considered, for all intents and purposes, a separate machine. So you will need to tell Neo4j to allow connections from outside localhost.

To do this, change this line in neo4j.conf:




After saving the neo4j.conf file, you need to restart Neo4j.

Firewalls et cetera have to be configured accordingly as well. For Windows 10: check whether the Firewall is configured correctly, go to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall > Allowed Apps and look for "neo4j-ce".
If you're on a public network, make sure the "Public" column is checked. On a private network, make sure the "Private" column is checked.