
Label: :IA_Function
Property: type: MapView
Inherits from: Function and View

The MapView Function renders a Map with locations.

Function parameters

Key Description Default value Possible values
addressSearch.enabled Enabled input field for searching an address false Boolean
addressSearch.placeholder Placeholder for address search input Search address String
addressSearch.text Pre-entered value on address search input String
autoFit Zoom and center on markers or GeoJSON features true Boolean
markerAnimation Define marker animation on map to disable animation value should be null. markers animation property will overwrite this. DROP Can be null or Animation constants from google maps Geographic latitude of the point which should be in the center of the map 0 Real number
center.long Geographic longitude of the point which should be in the center of the map 0 Real number Latitudes of all markers Array of numbers
markers.long Longitudes of all markers Array of numbers
markers.animation Animation of all markers Animation constants from google maps
markers.title Titles of all markers Array of strings Popup content of all markers Array of strings
markers.icon Icons of all markers Array of strings
markers.spiderfiableIcon Icons of all markers when spiderfiableble Array of strings
markers.unspiderfiableIcon Icons of all markers when unspiderfiable Defaults to markers.icon Array of strings
markers.spiderfiedIcon Icons of all markers when spiderfied Defaults to markers.icon Array of strings
markers.{...} Custom properties of all markers Array
geoJSON GeoJson data structure Object
geoJSONStyle GeoJSON general styling see documentation. This is the base styling applied to all GeoJSON features. It can be customized by the style property of a feature. Object Enables the spiderfier functionality (nicely rearrange aglomerated markers) true Boolean
spiderfier.circleSpiralSwitchover Lowest number of markers that will be fanned out into a spiral instead of a circle. 9 Number
spiderfier.ignoreMapClick If set to true, markers will not be unspiderfied when the map is clicked. false Boolean
spiderfier.keepSpiderfied Keeps the spiderfied markers spiderfied when clicked. false Boolean
spiderfier.legWeight Thickness of the lines joining spiderfied markers to their original location. 1.5 Number
spiderfier.nearbyDistance Pixel radius within which a marker is considered to be overlapping a clicked marker. 20 Number
zoom Zoom-in level on the map (the bigger the number the closer to the ground). $autoFit: true with markers or geoJSON on the map will override this value. Real number

Outgoing triggers

Type: mapClick

Occurrence: When the user clicks on map.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
location Clicked Latitude and Longtitude Object with lat and lng value
x Clicked Screen X position Number
y Clicked Screen Y position Number

Type: markerClick

Occurrence: When the user clicks a marker.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
marker The clicked marker. Object with properties stored in the marker

Type: markerRightClick

Occurrence: When the user right-clicks a marker.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
marker The right-clicked marker. Object with properties stored in the marker

Type: markerTitleClick

Occurrence: When the user clicks the title of a marker.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
marker The marker of the clicked title. Object with properties stored in the marker

Type: featureClick

Occurrence: When the user clicks a feature from geoJSON.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
feature The clicked feature. Object with properties stored in the feature

Type: featureRightClick

Occurrence: When the user right clicks a feature from geoJSON.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
feature The clicked feature. Object with properties stored in the feature
location Clicked Latitude and Longtitude Object with lat and lng value

Type: mapRightClick

Occurrence: When the user right clicks on map.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
location Clicked Latitude and Longtitude Object with lat and lng value
x Clicked Screen X position Number
y Clicked Screen Y position Number

Type: boundsChanged

Occurrence: When the user clicks a feature from geoJSON.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
bounds Bounds data of visible map Object with properties of bound {east: float, north: float, south: float, west: float}
center Center of visible map Object with lat and long value
zoom Current zoom value of map Real number

Type: addressSelected

Occurrence: When the user clicks an option in address search input field.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
location Address Latitude and Longtitude Object with lat and long value
info Name of address String
zoom Zoom value of address bounds Real number


Below is an example for a query providing input to a MapView. Click the image to open the corresponding public Diagram. Clicking the nodes and relation in the Diagram shows their properties.

MapView example