
Label: :IA_Function
Property: type: YFilesIsometricView
Inherits from: Function and View

The YFilesIsometricView Function renders a visualisation of a graph using yFiles isometric components.


Key Description Default value Possible values
container.height Sets the view height. 400 number
container.width Sets the view width. 500 number
name Name of the view. String
nodes The array of nodes to be visualized. [] Array of node objects
store Sets the default store for the YFilesIsometricView. application name of configured store
styles Object with selector-styling pairs applicable only to this YFilesIsometricView. width: 20
depth: 20
color: {r:255,
g:0, b:0, a:1}
toolbarVisible Displays the buttons of yFiles View toolbar. true true/false
background Displays an Image as SVG in the background of graph. Object
labelProperty Node field for label text value String


Default styles can be overridden using the styles parameter on the YFilesIsometricView. A node's style property has 3 fields: width, depth, color(rgba).

Example: {    width: 25,    depth: 30,    color: { r: 255, g: 220, b: 15, a: 1 } }


Background orientation is isometric. Positioning and sizing can be applied to image.

Example: {    width: '400',    height: '600',    x: '50',    y: '-120',    imageUrl: 'https://docs.graphileon.com/graphileon/icon_web.png' }

Label Property

Nested fields can also be used.

Example: 'height', Example: 'some.nested.field'

Outgoing triggers

Type: nodeClick

Occurrence: When the user clicks a node.

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
data The clicked node. node object
mouse The coordinates of the click, relative to the page. Object {x: number, y: number}

Type: nodeRightClick

Occurrence: When the user right-clicks a node (context menu should be disabled using disableContextMenu.node).

Additional event properties (besides the inherited properties):

Key Description Possible values
data The right-clicked node. node object
mouse The coordinates of the click, relative to the page. Object {x: number, y: number}

Type: context

The following context menus are available from the YFilesIsometricView:

Menu Occurs when Target value
node User right-clicks a node Right-clicked node object

More info on context menus.